Detailed Feasibility studies of small hydropower projects, inventory and detailed design of micro hydropower scheme, feasibility studies of electrification in the different area and detailed survey and design of transmission and distribution line.
Transportation planning studies, Detailed engineering survey, design, cost estimated of road, bridge and other structure for road, Quality Control of Construction Supervision, Pavement Condition Evaluation, Identification of Pavement Maintenance Requirements, Planning of Road Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation including Prioritization for Investment, Site Selection and Land Use / Environmental Studie and geo - technical investigations
Survey and design of rural water supply and sanitation system; construction supervision and post - construction evaluation; financial viability studies of water supply and sanitation scheme
Engineering and agro socio economic studies, field surveys, hydrologi¬cal data collection and analysis, water resources assessment, resources identification and development.
Planning and system design; estimation of crop water requirements; estimation of drainage runoff; detailed design of canal, embankment and flow control structure, including headwork's, weirs, sedimentation basin and sluicing facilities; preparation of operation and maintenance program, water management, and socio economic baseline survey.
Topographical survey and preparation of site map (road, bridge site, irrigation command areas, structure and building sites, hydropower etc.) and infrastructure alignments (canal, drain, road), including foundation stability and settle¬ment monitoring for major structure (pump station, main canal, bridge etc.)